C: Linux and shell



Video Intro



C10 Basic shell

Let’s face it: the command line is the basis of most data science and programming.

>How does the shell work? >When to use a CLI instead of a GUI?

>Shell crash course

>Shell crash course >Software carpentry Shell-novice >The first part of our shell course is good too.

C23 Text editors and IDEs

Your best friend is a good text editor - sometimes you just need to edit things quickly on some remote system.

>Which tools to use for code development and editing?

>Get to know VS Code tutorial series

>Software Carpentry shell-novice, “Create a text file” part of section 3 >Tutorial on IDEs by CodeRefinery.

C20 Shell scripting

If you can do it on the Linux shell, you can automate it.

>How to make use of shell scripting tools in repetitive task automation?

>Shell scripting tutorials.

>Continue with the Science-IT Linux shell tutorial part 2.

C21 Version control for you

Version control lets you track changes, go back in time, and collaborate on code and papers: an absolute requirement for scientific computing.

>What is Git? >How to initialize a Git repository?

>Why use version control >Git for beginners

>Introduction to version control by CodeRefinery

C22 SSH and remote access

A short but important course: how to do work remotely. Different expert tips for making ssh better, too.

>What does SSH mean and when to use it?

>Introduction to secure shell by Software Carpentry

>SSH for working on a remote machine.

How to make ssh work better by Aalto Scicomp

C23 Make

Automate the repetitive stuff with Make.

>How can a Makefile be useful in your large project?

>Episodes on Make by Software Carpentry

>Short introduction on what is a Makefile and basic operations. >For more information on Makefiles see GNU Make Manual